Katon Transformation

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Katon Ultimate

Katon Passives

  • All fires duration increased by 50%.
  • Certain techniques can spawn embers which in turn can reignited by fire.
  • Once a ember is ignited it will either turn into a wisp or fizzle out into nothing(When ignited by an opponent embers will always fizzle out).
  • Great Fireball Jutsu has less self stun.
  • Combusting Palm charges faster.
  • Katon Endan has reduced cooldowns and leaves behind a trail of embers when shot.
  • Will o' Wisp shoots wisps outward after the jutsu ends.
  • Spinning Fire shoots 3 projectiles instead of 1.
  • Wall of Searing flames fires horizontally from the user.
  • Katon: Ash Pile Burning leaves behind embers and has less self stun.
  • Dai Endan shoots more projectiles.
  • Fire Dragon Flame Projectile is 5 tiles wide instead of 3 and has less self stun.
  • Dragon Fire Shot leaves behind a trail of embers, has less self stun, and the user can't be damaged by the trail.