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== Passives ==
== Passives ==

| header_color
| content_color
| name = Canine
| file = Canine.png
| max = 50
| description = Canine increases the user's canine-abilities!
| train = Just by having your dog out and being around it.
| info
| header_color
| content_color
| name = Training
| file = Training.png
| max = 50
| description = Training increases mastery over Inuzuka Training proficiency in learning techniques.
| train = Through training and using your dog.
| info
| header_color
| content_color
| name = Companionship
| file = Companionship.png
| max = No Limit
| description = Companionship is something members of the clan take seriously, rather than just claiming dogs as tools for war and battle.
Befriending your dog will allow a much more cooperative canine and better tactics and decisions in battle.
| train = Through training, helping and spending time with your dog.
| info
| header_color
| content_color
| name = Obedience
| file = Obediance.png
| max = 1
| description = Obedience teaches your dog obedience.
| train = By getting Training on 20.
| info
| header_color
| content_color
| name = Aggression
| file = Aggression.png
| max = 5
| description = Aggression increases the dog's critical percentage.
| train = By commanding your dog to attack.
| info
| header_color
| content_color
| name = Speed Training
| file = SpeedTraining.png
| max = 5
| description = Speed Training increases the dog's speed.
| train = By commanding your dog to move.
| info
| header_color
| content_color
| name = Shikyaku Control
| file = ShikyakuControl.png
| max = 10
| description = Shikyaku Control increases mastery over your ability to properly use Shikyaku and eventually being able to move near light speed with enough practice and mastery.
| train = Through moving around while in Shikyaku (Four Legged Technique)
| info
| header_color
| content_color
| name = Lupine Speed
| file = LupineSpeed.png
| max = 1
| description = Allows Inuzukas to run 1.5x faster than a normal ninja while in Beast mode.
| train = When Shikyaku is learned.
| info
| header_color
| content_color
| name = Super Hearing
| file = SuperHearing.png
| max = 6
| description = Allows you to hear people 4 squares off your screen while in beast mode. Increases 1 square per point.
| train = By being in beast mode.
| info

== Jutsu ==
== Jutsu ==

| header_color
| content_color
| name = Four Legged Jutsu
| file = FourLeggedJutsu.png
| exp = 8'000
| requirements
| obtain = Talk to [[Inuzuka, Rufus]]
| description = Four Legged Jutsu is a technique that allows members of the Inuzuka clan to go into a beast-like trance, mimicking a dog or wolf while improving their senses.
| info = Allows you to stay at full run speed even at low willpower
* x1.2 Physique boost
* Gives C-Speed
| cooldown = ?
| scaling
| damage
| damage_cap
| header_color
| content_color
| name = Scent Gathering
| file = ScentGathering.png
| exp = 15'000
| requirements
| obtain = Talk to [[Inuzuka, Rufus]]
| description = Scent Gathering is a technique passed on by the Inuzuka clan that allows the user to gather the scent of a ninja that is nearby and track their location.
| info  = Must be next to them to register their scent
| cooldown = ?
| scaling
| damage
| damage_cap
| header_color
| content_color
| name = Check Scents
| file = CheckScents.png
| exp = 0
| requirements = Scent Gathering
| obtain = Learn Scent Gathering
| description = Allows you to check the scents of people you currently have.
| info = Shows the names and how many scents there are when you use this
| cooldown = ?
| scaling
| damage
| damage_cap
| header_color
| content_color
| name = Location: Scent
| file = LocationScent.png
| exp = 0
| requirements = Scent Gathering
| obtain = Learn Scent Gathering
| description = Allows you to select a scent you have and find their current location.
| info = Displays their X and Y co-ordinates
* Displays which direction to go
* Must be on the same map as them
| cooldown
| scaling
| damage
| damage_cap
| header_color
| content_color
| name = Man-Beast Claws
| file = ManBeastClaws.png
| exp = 10'000
| requirements
| obtain = Talk to [[Inuzuka, Rufus]]
| description = Man-Beast Claws is a technique involves sending chakra through your nails causing them to grow rapidly and sharpen.
| info = Changes punches to claw attacks
* Drains chakra while activated
| cooldown = ?
| scaling
| damage
| damage_cap
| header_color
| content_color
| name = Exploding Puppy
| file = ExplodingPuppy.png
| exp = 10'000
| requirements
| obtain = Talk to [[Inuzuka, Rufus]]
| description = This technique allows you to return your dog back to your person while also releasing a torrent of kunai where it was.
| info = Must have pet out on the field
* Does not require kunai in inventory
| cooldown = ?
| scaling
| damage
| damage_cap
| header_color
| content_color
| name = Man-Beast Clone
| file = ManBeastClone.png
| exp = 15'000
| requirements = Learn Four Legged Jutsu
* 20 Training
| obtain = Talk to [[Inuzuka, Rufus]]
| description = Man-Beast Clone is a technique that transforms your pet into a clone of yourself allowing for broader combat options in battle.
| info = Must be next to pet for them to transform
| cooldown = ?
| scaling
| damage
| damage_cap
| header_color
| content_color
| name = Piercing Fang
| file = PiercingFang.png
| exp = 20'000
| requirements = Learn Four Legged Jutsu
* 30 Training
* 5 Canine
| obtain = Talk to [[Inuzuka, Rufus]]
| description = This technique allows you to rotate rapidly and damage people you bump into.
| info = Damages by bumping into the enemy
| cooldown
| scaling = Physique
| damage = Stamina
* Vitality (if claws enabled)
| damage_cap
| header_color
| content_color
| name = Dual Piercing Fang
| file = DualPiercingFang.png
| exp = 30'000
| requirements = Learn Man-Beast Clone
* 35 Training
* 10 Canine
| obtain = Talk to [[Inuzuka, Rufus]]
| description = Dual Piercing Fang is a technique which allows the user to spin along with their pet in a uncontrolled pattern to attack their enemies incredibly.
| info = Damages by bumping into the enemy
* Must have pet out on the field
* Pet must be transformed into a clone
* Target the enemy so that your pet can follow them with your fang attack
| cooldown = ?
| scaling = Physique
| damage = Stamina
* Vitality (if claws enabled)
| damage_cap
| header_color
| content_color
| name = Double-Headed Wolf
| file = DoubleHeadedWolf.png
| exp = 50'000
| requirements = Learn Man-Beast Clone
* 35 Training
* 50 Canine
| obtain = Talk to [[Inuzuka, Rufus]]
| description = Double-Headed Wolf is the ultimate Inuzuka Clan Jutsu, allowing you to fuse together with your dog to create a two-headed beast!
| info = x5 Physique boost
* Must have pet out on the field
* Returns your pet back to you like Exploding Puppy
* Cannot use any jutsu while in this form
| cooldown = ?
| scaling
| damage
| damage_cap
| header_color
| content_color
| name = Wolf Piercing Fang
| file = WolfPiercingFang.png
| exp = 50'000
| requirements = Learn Double-Headed Wolf
* 35 Training
* 50 Canine
| obtain = Talk to [[Inuzuka, Rufus]]
| description = Wolf Piercing Fang creates a destructive spinning technique that devastates anything in its path!
| info = Damages by bumping into the enemy
* Around x5 stronger than Piercing Fang
* Must be in Double-Headed Wolf mode
| cooldown = ?
| scaling = Physique
| damage = Stamina
* Vitality (if claws enabled)
| damage_cap

Revision as of 22:16, 27 September 2022



